Monday, December 12, 2011

God's Presence

I am 90% done with my yearly Bible challenge!  I spent some time on Saturday reading 5 days worth, and now I'm actually only 2 days behind. (I have every intention on catching up today.)

Isn't it amazing how clear God's voice seems to be the more time you devote to Him?  The more I am in-tune with Him--praising Him, seeking Him, reading His Word--the more I feel His presence around me.  Have you ever been singing a song of praise, either at church or maybe just in your car, and you actually become so overwhelmed with the feeling of God's love for you?  Have you ever been reading your Bible or devotional and felt, "God wrote this especially for me and this moment"?  I love when this happens, because God who can so easily seem so far away (by the choices we make, not by His doing in anyway), suddenly seems so close that I can sense His presence.  It's such an amazing experience.  If you haven't had one of these experiences, I encourage you to spend a little time with the Lord everyday, even if it's just a few moments.  I promise, it will happen, and you will be amazed.

I would like to briefly mention--not on my behalf in anyway, BUT to make you better understand and see why this next part of this blog was "one of those moments" for me that I spoke of above--we recently had an adoption fall through.  It was awful.  We were matched with the sweetest birth mom back in October, but we knew our chances of it working out were only 50%.  A week ago, we were informed that it fell through, and that we would be put back on the waiting list.  With all that said, yes it was hard.  Yes, I, of course, wish it would have worked out.  I prayed for an answer before Christmas so that we didn't get into a situation of bringing that special baby home and then having it taken away.  I prayed that not only God would give us an answer, but that He would also prepare our hearts for that answer.  God answered.  Not the answer I wanted, but He answered. And my heart was as ready as it could have been, not by my doing, but His.

Now....this next part is what inspired me to blog.  As I was in the laundry room working on Christmas gifts last night, I came across a Daily Devotional (Jesus Calling, Enjoying Peace in His Presence) that I had purchased at Mardel's as a gift.  I decided to open it up to December 11th and see what wisdom it had to offer.  It is written as if Jesus wrote it Himself, speaking directly to you.  Here is what it said.  Word for word.

"I am working on your behalf.  Bring me all your concerns, including your dreams.
Talk with Me about everything, letting the Light of My Presence shine on your hopes and plans.  
Spend time allowing My Light to infuse your dreams with life, graudally transforming them into 
reality.  This is a very practical way of collaborating with Me.  I, the Creator of the universe, 
have designed to co-create with you. Do not try to hurry the process.  If you want to work with Me, 
you have to accept My time frame.  Hurry is not in My nature.  Abraham and Sarah had to wait 
many years for the fulfillment of My promise, a son.  How their long wait intensified their enjoyment of this child!  Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses."
Psalm 36:9; Genesis 21:1-7; Hebrews 11:1 (AMP)

It amazes me how God cares and loves us so much.  He knows exactly what we're going through.  He knows exactly what we need.  He knows exactly what we need to hear and when we need to hear it.  

These verses were shared yesterday during the sermon at Church:

"Yet I am confident I will see the Lord's goodness while I am here in the land of the living.  
Wait patiently for the Lord.  Be brave and courageous.  Yes, wait patiently for the Lord."  
(Psalm 27:13, 14 NLT)


  1. I have chills Lindsay! I wish you were spared the heartache of an adoption that fell through, but what you wrote is so right! Still praying for you and the sweet baby you will one day call your own. :)

  2. I'm so sorry your adoption fell through. That kind of news is devastating, and yet you still seem to be able to keep your heart full of hope. You are such a strong girl.

    My mom bought me a daily devotional book for women. I'm going to begin it January 1st. Maybe after that I'll be able to take on a project like making it through the whole Bible in a year!

  3. I love this! I love when God gives us something like this so our human minds know there is NO doubt He is with us every step of the way. Psalm 27:14 is one of my favorite verses of all time! I am so grateful for God's protection of your hearts and I am praying fervently for the baby He has for the Robertsons!

  4. Thanks for the sweet, encouraging comments friends!
