Thursday, April 22, 2010
New Ride
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Sweet Sleeping Boys
Good night sweet prince
Another day is done
You laughed and you played
Now sleep little one
You need your rest
The morning draws near
Close your eyes baby boy
You have nothing to fear
Good night my son
Have the sweetest of dreams
There's no telling what pleasures
Tomorrow will bring
Sleep peaceful and sound
for when you awake
The sun will be up
A new day for the take
The time to play is done
The days gone quickly by
Go to sleep now little one
Close your precious eyes
Let the twinkling stars
Shine brightly in your dreams
Hear the quiet lullabies
The moonbeams like to sing
Angels keep close watch
As you sleep throughout the night
There to comfort and protect you
Until the new days light
Sleep in peaceful slumber
The mornings drawing near
Tomorrow is awaiting
It is almost here
Soon the sun will rise
Another day will dawn
Sleep soundly my dear baby
The night is almost gone
Very soon you'll fill
Another brand new day
With laughter and sweet joy
In your special way

( I know this post doesn't look perfect, but after deleting and recreating it SEVERAL times, I give up. I have no idea why it looks the way I want it to in my little window but then changes when I click the preview button. If any of you have ANY idea, please let me know, because it will save me a lot of frustration in the future, and I might actually create more posts!)